Invest in the next Generation of Neural Control

Powered by Our Escape-the-Maze Algorithm

Redefining Neurostimulation

The Urgent Need

Neurological disorders affect 1.3 billion of the global population. 400 million are drug resistant, and neurostimulation remains their only option.

1 in 3 of the 1.3 billion are resistant to drug treatment. ~600K+ patients suffer the consequences each year in North America alone.
For these patients, neurostimulation is the only remaining option, a method that hasn’t seen significant technological advancement since the 1960s, resulting in a high failure rate.

Our Innovative Solution

RyvivyR’s Escape-the-Maze algorithm leverages real-time machine learning to personalize neurostimulation treatments, adapting to each patient’s unique neural patterns.


This method has demonstrated a potential increase in efficacy by up to 50%, promising to transform the treatment landscape for neurological disorders.

It is well-accepted in neuroscience that the brain functions via state switching . Using a patient’s unique neural activity, EtM slingshots them out of a disease state by maximizing ‘exploration.’

Today, we can simultaneously record from 1000x the number of neurons that we could in 1960. And thanks to machine learning, theoretical advancements allow for predictive insights amidst the complexity.

As a result, we are now able to deliver personalized algorithms that could increase efficacy by up to 50%.
Across experiments, EtM solved the exploration problems on average 97% of the time, 6x faster than all approved alternatives.

Market Opportunity

Our target market is expansive, with the current neurostimulation market valued at over $40 billion. With the prevalence of neurological disorders on the rise, RyvivyR is strategically positioned to capture a significant share of this growing market.  

Competitive Edge

While the market is currently dominated by legacy MedTech companies, RyvivyR stands out as the only company developing real-time AI-driven algorithms for neuromodulation. Our technology is hardware-agnostic, scalable across disorders, and offers superior performance in speed and efficacy compared to existing treatments.

Unit Economics

Our unit economics show that RyvivyR’s treatments are not only more effective but also more cost-efficient, offering significant savings over current treatment methods. This offers a compelling economic value for healthcare providers and insurers.
Assumptions: License fee is 40% of the treatment cost, variable cost per treatment is 10% of the treatment cost, and Amortized R&D is 20% of the license fee.

Our Team

Led by experts in AI, machine learning, neuroscience, and engineering, our team is uniquely qualified to bring this innovative solution to market. We are also bolstered by strong support from leading figures in the medical and scientific community. Learn more about us here.

Investment Opportunity

We are currently seeking seed funding to advance clinical trials and further product development. Investments will support critical areas such as team expansion, experimental costs, hardware, and legal fees, setting the stage for a clinical trials and eventual commercialization.

Seed round investor funds will be used to get EtM ready for human patients.

  •  $2M – Employee costs (augmenting machine-learning / statistics team, management) 
  • $625k – Experimental wet-lab contractual costs (preclinical trials)
  • $225k – Hardware, equipment, and facilities
  • $150k – Intellectual Property contract negotiations and other legal fees

 Total Seed Funding Requirement – $3M 

Join Our Mission

We invite you to become part of a transformative journey in healthcare. By investing in RyvivyR, you’re not just funding a company; you’re contributing to a paradigm shift in the treatment of neurological disorders.

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